Graphic design
Web Design & Development
32 years of publishing editing, print design and
With 23 years of website design and development experience
32년의 출판 편집, 인쇄 디자인과 23년의 웹사이트 디자인과 개발 경험으로

To Whom It May Concern
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are delighted to write this letter of reference for Mr. Namdeok Kim
Mr. Kim has developed our company web site and customer data base as well as maintain the system.
It has been our great asset of having Mr. Kim’s professional skills since 2011, and we can state with confidence that he is a motivated and responsible person with a high degree of integrity.
Mr. Kim never loosen to take the initiative to identify problems and resolve solutions.
His role requires highly recognized skills on web programming and he has shown that he not only has these skills, but that he also has the ability to respect and communicate in our teamwork.
Through his engagement in these area, without a doubt he is a very intelligent person with a mind well-suited to the dedicated web programmer.
Having known Mr. Kim for almost 6 years, it is our great pleasure indeed in being his referees and supporters of his good character.
We are also confident in stating Mr. Kim due to his amiable, ambitious and ethical nature, which can be seen in many aspects of his life.
He proved us right, and he has become an important and integral part of our team.
As his referees, we are confident that Mr. Jong Duck Kim will be a positive and helpful addition to your requirements.Regards,
I am delighted to provide a recommendation for my partner, Daniel(Namdeok) Kim, whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with on several website projects.
Daniel is a highly skilled and dedicated professional with a remarkable work attitude that sets him apart in the industry.Having collaborated on various projects, I have witnessed Daniel’s exceptional ability to transform ideas into visually stunning and functional websites. His proficiency in web development and design is truly commendable, reflecting his passion for delivering top-notch results. His creativity shines through in every project, ensuring that each website not only meets but exceeds expectations.
One of Daniel’s standout qualities is his unwavering commitment to excellence. He approaches every task with honesty, diligence, and a strong work ethic. His ability to adapt to different project requirements showcases his flexibility and versatility.
Regardless of the challenges, Daniel’s consistently demonstrates professionalism, ensuring that each project is completed with the utmost precision and quality.Moreover, I have found Daniel to be punctual and reliable. His commitment to deadlines and timely project delivery speaks volumes about his reliability and dedication to his work. His meticulous nature and eye for detail are evident in the polished and flawless outcomes of our collaborations.
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Daniel for any future project. His technical expertise, coupled with his outstanding work attitude, honesty, diligence, flexibility, professionalism, punctuality, and attention to detail, make him an invaluable asset to any team or project. I am confident that Daniel will continue to excel in his endeavors and contribute significantly to any undertaking he is involved in.
What I had been refused several times by saying I couldn’t do it elsewhere was done right away.
It was amazing that this work could be done so quickly, accurately, and so perfectly, everything was the best!!
I had a lot of troublesome requests for various things, but they thoroughly checked and changed everything without leaving anything out.
If you are having a lot of trouble with the site, don’t hesitate and leave it to us!!
Please continue to treat us well!!!다른곳에서 못하겠다고 몇번 거절당한거 한번에 바로해주셨습니다.
이런 작업을 진행하면서 이렇게 빠르고 정확하고 완벽하게 할수있는게 신기할정도로 모든점이 최고였습니다!!
번거롭게 이것저것 요구드린게 많았는데, 하나도 빠짐없이 다 꼼꼼히 체크해주시고, 바꿔주셨어요.
사이트때문에 고민많으신분들 주저하지말고 맡기세요!!
앞으로도 잘부탁드려요!!!
We have carried out a partial renewal of our website.
He has good sense and the progress and feedback are very fast.
A few days after the work was finished, I touched it incorrectly and all the photos were lost…
When I asked for help, they uploaded a backup file for free and even restored it in just a few minutes.
It’s the best~~~
Thank you again^^홈페이지 부분 리뉴얼을 진행했는데요.
감각도 좋으시고 진행과 피드백이 너무 빠릅니다.
작업 끝나고 며칠 후 내가 잘못 만져서 사진이 모두 날라갔는데…
도움을 요청하니 무상으로 백업파일 업로드해서 복원까지도 단 몇 분만에 해주셨습니다.
다시 한 번 감사드립니다^^
Thank you for successfully completing the website modification work, which was more difficult than expected.
And I was very grateful that you kindly taught me how to manage a simple homepage ^^
I definitely want to use it next time~~생각보다 어려운 홈페이지 수정작업을 잘 마무리해주셨습니다.
그리고 친절하게 간단한 홈페이지 관리 방법도 알려주셔서 너무 고마웠습니다 ^^
다음에도 꼭 이용하고 싶네요~~
Even though it was a very difficult task, you did your best and got a really good result!
너무 어려운 작업에도 최선을다해 작업해주셔서 정말 좋은 결과물을 얻었습니다!
Thank you for your kind explanation and renewal.
친절하게 잘 설명해주시고 리뉴얼해주셔서 감사드립니다.
Contact Us
개인정보 수집/이용 목적
- Collection items: Company name, person in charge, contact information, email, etc.
- Retention and use period: After consultation and completion of relevant work, destroyed 1 year later
※ You may refuse the collection/use of personal information.
If you refuse, you will not be able to receive guidance services such as related counseling.
- 수집 및 이용 목적 : 홈페이지 및 인쇄물 제작 관련 문의
- 수집 항목 : 회사명, 담당자명, 연락처, 이메일 등
- 보유 및 이용기간 : 상담 및 해당 업무 완료 후, 1년후 파기
※ 개인정보 수집/이용에 대해서 거부할 수 있으며,거부 시 관련 상담 등 안내 서비스를 받을 수 없습니다.